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DWI: Second Offense

Updated: Dec 13, 2022 @ 1:20 pm

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Accused of a Crime?



Put Our DWI Lawyers On Your Side.

It May Be Possible To Get Your Case Dismissed.

Second-offense DWI (Driving While Intoxicated) offenses are vigorously prosecuted in Galveston County, TX. If you’re facing prosecution for a 2nd offense DWI charge or seeking help for a loved one, we can help you.

Attorney Tad Nelson

If you intend to enter a Not Guilty plea, Attorney Tad A. Nelson will use all the resources of our law firm to fight allegations levied against you by the State of Texas. This includes expert witness testimony, examining camera footage, and conducting a scientific analysis of the evidence to be used against the accused party.

If the situation demands it, we’ll take your DWI case to trial to challenge the evidence in your case and the justification of the initiating traffic stop.

Our legal team will also review the details of your case to ensure that your Constitutional Rights were upheld and ensure the lawful and prudent collection of the evidence.

If we find a problem or any inconsistencies with any of the above, it could be grounds for your 2nd offense DWI criminal charge to be dismissed.

About 2nd-Offense DWI Cases

Individuals arrested for Driving While Intoxicated a second time in Texas will face criminal charges under Class A Misdemeanor guidelines.

Man Appearing in Criminal Court

If you intend to enter a guilty plea (which we rarely recommend), the judge will count the time you’ve already spent in jail (at least three days) as the required jail time demanded by the Texas Penal Code.

Then, usually, the judge will assign the defendant to probation for the remainder of the sentence.

However, the potential for this outcome is contingent on the circumstances of the case, any prior convictions you may have, and, of course, the judge.

Special Note: If you’re facing a 2nd DWI charge within five years of the 1st DWI offense, the situation will change. You’ll have to serve at least five consecutive days of jail time as a probationary condition.

Potential Criminal Penalties

Fine: Up to 4000.00

Jail Time: 30 Days to 1 Year

Other Penalties: Texas Driver License Suspension (180 days to 2 years), Community Service (80-200 Hours), Ignition Anti-Alcohol Device/Deep Lung BIO-Technical Chemical Analysis Device (IID or Ignition Interlock Device).

If you’re required to have an IID, your vehicle will not start if alcohol is detected in breath samples analyzed by the device. If alcohol is detected on your breath, the court will be notified, which could result in additional charges or the revocation of your community supervision agreement.

Charged With DWI 2nd Offense in Galveston?

Schedule Your Free Consultation With Attorney Tad Nelson Today.

We’re ready to defend your good name and fight for your best interests. We will bring our scientific credentials to bear when investigating evidence against you.

At Tad Nelson & Associates, we take pride in our ability to work with people from all walks of life. We provide affordable payment plans for our clients. You can also take comfort in knowing you’re working with one of the most experienced DWI attorneys in Galveston.

If you’re ready to discuss your case and learn more about your options, contact our experienced legal team. Attorneys Tad Nelson & Amber Spurlock are here to help you.

Call us if you need help. We mean it. Call 409-904-0075 or send us a message using the contact form. 100% Confidential & Free Consultation.

Overview of 2nd Offense DWI Charges in Texas

Galveston DWI Lawyer Tad Nelson

DWI: Second Offense

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DWI: Second Offense
DWI: Second Offense
DWI: Second Offense
DWI: Second Offense
DWI: Second Offense
DWI: Second Offense